Is it right?

When they see us is a Netflix miniseries of 4 episodes of about an hour each. Talk about the Central Park jogger case. A rape case in which 5 black teenagers were accused and convicted (falsely) of rape and forced to confess what they had not actually done. At the time, there was a major racist campaign of opinion, which also featured Donald Trump, against these young people. They spent their adolescence in prison. Only after a few decades was their innocence recognized and they were reimbursed by the good mayor of N.Y., Bill De Blasio. caso della jogger di Central Park. Un caso di stupro in cui 5 adolescenti neri vennero accusati e condannati (falsamente) di stupro e costretti a confessare ciò che effettivamente non avevano fatto. All’epoca ci fu una grande campagna d’opinione razzista, di cui fu protagonista anche Donald Trump, contro questi giovani. Passarono la loro adolescenza in carcere. Solo dopo qualche decennio venne riconosciuta la loro innocenza e vennero rimborsati dal bravo sindaco di N.Y., Bill De Blasio.
La domanda più ricorrente e che più mi ha colpito è: è giusto?. E’ una domanda che gli accusati e gli avvocati fanno varie volte e ricevono sempre risposte che tendono a negare l’importanza del tema e a sottolineare la falsità della questione. Come se ciò che è giusto rientri in un ambito soggettivo e non oggettivo (come mi ha risposto il mio amico psicologo, David). Questo rientra nell’ideologia imperante nel ‘900 che il concetto di giusto e di verità siano plurali, come insegnavano anche i grandi maestri: Pirandello e Pasolini .
In reality what is right is objective and unique just as truth is objective and unique. Then the psychological conditions, the conveniences and the factors may be different because the perception could be different but what happens to us, what we do, what happens to us is single, it is objective. How single and objective justice is. How single and objective is Truth.
Who will restore adolescence to Antwhorne, Cory, Kevin, Jusuf and Raymond stolen by DPNY, investigators and prosecutor Lelander? Nobody. Each episode is a stab and does not pay off enough that years later the Truth and a sum of money were recognized to the 5 no longer teenagers, but men.
Questo è il tema che più mi ha colpito, ma il tema preponderante del film è il razzismo, molto importante in questo momento negli USA per l’omicidio di George Floyd da parte della polizia. La protesta è molto forte (ha la forza della ragione direbbe Abraham Lincoln) e la sua forza è proprio data dal fatto che vicino a tanti neri pieni di rabbia, ci siano tanti bianchi, perlopiù giovani, che hanno il senso della giustizia e vogliono che la giustizia sia riconosciuta a quest’uomo e a tutti gli altri neri.
This is very important also for us Italians and for the rest of the world. Racism is not only fought by black people. Racism was not defeated by the black fist of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, but by Peter Norman, the Australian athlete, who put on an anti-racist pin during that act that changed history.

The racism is suffered by blacks, but we whites must fight the battle against racism in the front line, or at least those whites who have the intelligence to understand that there is no race diversity, who have the sensitivity to understand that we are all equal and that it is that's right.
We live in an unfair world, in an unfair country. Football is also unfair. I have repeatedly stated, also bringing evidence, that football is played more in buildings than on the pitch: is that right? No. It is right that, as I wrote today, the FCA enjoys a 6.3 billion loan guaranteed by Italy, despite having its tax office in the Netherlands and therefore our money (OUR MONEY) will probably also end up in the coffers Dutch? So to a country that has political positions in Europe that are diametrically opposed to those of Italy? Is it fair that Corsera, Repubblica and Stampa have campaigned against the government for this? Even taking into account the fact that the FCA has many factories in Italy, creates GDP and employs many Italians, can we not at least put the condition to bring the tax office back to Italy? Is it fair to see a referee more easily whistling a penalty in favor of Juve and Lazio rather than against? Is this because the managers of these two teams work off the scene? Is it right?
No, it's not fair and probably this break didn't help us improve, as I naively hoped. We will certainly always see the usual ones favored by arbitral decisions. We certainly won't have justice. Probably not even the Americans will be able to turn racism offside, despite the vibrant protests of recent days. It will take decades for us. It will take decades for them. No revolutions are needed. We need a broad, long-term, reformist action that can change Italy (also in football), the USA (also on the theme of racism) and the rest of the world. The sense of justice we have, which "When they see us" awakens, which the murder of George Floyd has awakened, is hungry and in a few years we will be satisfied. The important thing is to remember what Ernesto Che Guevara said to his children "Above all, always be able to feel deep within yourself every injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world".
Daje Roma!
Giordano Sepi