Napoli – Roma 2-1

La Roma di adesso è una squadra che punta sulla qualità tecnica (comunque modesta) e che dopo 60 minuti boccheggia. L’atteggiamento tattico 352 che diventa in fase difensiva 532 è un segno di umiltà e dall’umiltà dobbiamo ripartire. Se non ripartiamo da questo concetto, è inutile presentarsi in campo in questa Serie A. Abbiamo buone probabilità di arrivare in piena forma con l’Europa League. Basterà per vincerla? Al momento, le sensazioni sono realisticamente negative, ma probabilmente è troppo presto per prevederlo. E dall’umiltà dobbiamo ripartire anche noi tifosi giallorossi in termini di aspettative ed ambizioni.
We start again from 352, but we will have to reflect on the central defender, given that Smalling came out against Napoli in the first half because of muscle strain on the thigh adductor. In general, his performance had been good in the defensive phase, less good in the construction phase, where Fazio played better. It is also true that the Argentine defender has problems in the defensive phase, so the other two central players must be closer.
Especially in the second half we started off well on the counterattack, then arrived close to the area, we lost the ball, because we were looking for the last pass for the easy goal. One of the reasons for the last defeats is also this, the opponents have studied us and cover the players who enter the area, in this case we have to SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT, as Mkhitaryan did with the goal of the momentary draw.
Napoli played better than us. He had several chances and deserved to win. Callejon's goal was the normal consequence of a continuous domination in the second half. Insigne's goal comes when we are too tired. Unable to go get the game. The shoot with right with effect(which I had foreseen) is objectively beautiful.
Il punto ora è fare nostre le parole di Alex Zanardi (per cui continuo a pregare) “Tenere duro quando senti che non ce la fai più”. Sembra che il problema sia mentale come dice @missNormaJane e adesso la stanchezza sta diventando quasi la giustificazione della sconfitta, invece dobbiamo avere la forza mentale per dire “Anche se non ce la faccio più, rincorriamo quel giocatore”, “Anche se non ce la faccio più, andiamo a prenderci quella palla”.
In general, we have taken a step forward compared to the match against Udinese, a much weaker opponent. We have changed a lot, putting better players (like Veretout and Pellegrini returning from disqualification). In general, however, we must take it into our heads that we are not the princes to whom everything is due, but we are the worker who has to earn every day the bread to take home and the beer for after dinner (as Adam Smith said). We have to start from humility, from playing simple, from lowering the demands (we too fans), in this way we will get rid of the satisfactions. Daje Roma!