Thursday's opponent: FC Torino.
Filadelfia and its magic. You cannot make an article on Torino, without talking about the great Torino of the 1940s, capable of winning 5 league titles in a row and remaining unbeaten for 6 years in a row at Filadelfia. In this historic stadium (restored by Urbano Cairo, the current president of Torino, in 2017), Torino demonstrated every Sunday that it was the strongest team in Italy, the nation at the time two times world champion (1934 and 1938 ). Unfortunately, the plane that crashed in the now infamous Superga one year before the birth of the Champions Cup meant the death of many great players and definitively marked the end of the Grande Torino. Torino took their momentary and beautiful revenge with destiny with the 1975-76 Scudetto with another fabulous team. But this is another story.

The Torino of today is in full relegation zone. He has a good attack, but a mediocre defensive phase. For this reason, as I write this, the dark red bulls are in retire to prepare for our game and perhaps Giampaolo (the coach) is thinking of changing formation and moving from the 532, they are more used to, to the 4312, which he knows best. In reality, the differences are minimal, instead of making the defense dam with an extra man (532), they have the extra man in midfield (4312).

If instead of the tactical aspect, we try to predict the attitude. Surely Giampaolo is a coach who likes to play the game openly, certainly the many blows taken this year can suggest a more defensive attitude.

In the end, the matter is about us: if we believe we are really strong, these games must be controlled, unlocked as soon as possible and closed peremptorily.

The construction. They build either on the left back, Vojvoda [(right and adapted to the role, so Murru could play (left)] or on Singo, the right back, with a right foot, who is currently the most dangerous player. Neither Meitè, nor, Rincon , nor Linetty are playmakers and, if we press well, we can gain the ball in the offensive zone. Usually they rely on Rincon or Meitè. The latter is very powerful, not with excellent ball control, if we press him, we can steal the ball in a good area for us.

The offensive phase. The other midfielder, Linetty, is especially dangerous with the insertions without the ball. The two strikers are the strongest players of the dark red bulls. Belotti is good with both feet, very strong both in dribbling and shooting, both with the header, and when looking for the foul with his back to the goal. The other striker could be Bonazzoli (left like Zaza). Young, with a great desire to be seen. We are careful when starting from the right, it goes towards the center to shoot with the left.

Meitè and N’Koulou are good at corners, when they are stationed at the near post. On the corners they mark zone by zone (badly). We must take advantage of it.

Without a doubt, we must not approach with the spirit of a friendly match: 1) the opponent traditionally always puts everything on the pitch; 2) comes from a hard time and wants to prove something; 3) has already put Inter and Juventus in great difficulty. So we have to play with blood in our eyes to put them under and tame them. Daje Roma!
Giordano Sepi