Category: prematch

Sunday's opponent: the Napoli.

Maybe I shouldn't talk about Maradona, also because now everyone is talking about it. Many certainly speak of it in a better way than me (like the great director of “Il Romanista”, Tonino Cagnucci). Others have spoken of it shamefully. And it's…

Thursday's opponent: the Cluj.

The legend of Vlad III and his beautiful Bran Castle. Between Transylvania and Wallachia stands Bran Castle, the closest to Bram Stocker's description of Dracula. The most important character of this castle ...

Sunday opponent: the Parma.

When I went away to Parma (a good 3-0 for us), I was especially struck by the yellow color of the buildings. It is a vivid and vital yellow. A unique shade of yellow that is called Giallo Parma. Daverio and Parmigianino. ...

Sunday opponent: Genoa.

Signorini. Il profilo twitter @NoielaRoma ci ricorda quanto è importante ricordare Gianluca Signorini, nell’anniversario della sua morte, da parte della Roma, con cui ha giocato nel 1987-88, e da parte del Genoa, di cui era capitano e bandiera. Allo stesso…

Thursday's opponent: the Cluj.

The city of Cluj is a university city (also relevant from an artistic point of view) and is located in Transylvania (the historic and legendary Dracula region). After the end of communism in Romania, Cluj became a club ...

The sunday's opponent: the Fiorentina.

Fiorentina has the lily as its symbol, also a symbol of Florence. In ancient times the lily was white with a red background, but it was also the symbol of the Ghibellines of Florence. The Guelphs then adopted the red lily on a white background, the exact ...

The monday's opponent: the AC Milan.

Cities with serious infrastructures such as Milan are suffering from COVID more than others. When you can arrive in another city in half an hour or completely change dial in 5 minutes, it means that you are a European city, an evolved city, but then the virus takes advantage of it to spread faster. This is why my thoughts go to Milan, as well as to Rome and Naples, which will be the most difficult fronts of this war. Remember: mask and spacer.

Sunday's opponent: the Benevento.

The world situation for COVID is dramatic. There is a need for radical acts and rational speeches on the part of politicians and precaution on the part of citizens. There will probably be many deaths between November and December, but if we use ...
