Category: Serie A

Roma-Lazio 3-0

Roma have made it through on all fronts: choreography, choirs, on the pitch, under the tactical, mental and emotional aspect. Sarri is right to say that Lazio did not have the strength to recover after the very fast goal by pea by ...


It is not always possible to have an attacking attitude. It is not always possible to have only a defensive attitude. It is a match in which Roma will have to play in a balanced way. Knowing how to defend and know how to attack. Likewise, the Ukrainians and ...

Spezia-Roma 0-1

Yesterday we witnessed something crazy. These days we are seeing something crazy. Roma played well. He attacked persistently, but the Spezia resisted. The best in the field was their goalkeeper Provedel: capable of ...


Noi. Siamo in un periodo di crisi, ma abbiamo una grande arma da sfoderare in queste ultime giornate: i ragazzi dell’Under 19. La Roma ha strutturali difficoltà nel recupero-palla a centrocampo e nella costruzione. Per il secondo problema, è fondamentale…

Roma-Verona 2-2

Let's start from the second half. Let's start with Volpato's beautiful goal, Bove's beautiful goal, clever at feinting the cross and then shooting at the near post. Let's start with the wonderful performance of Zalewski. Let's start with the young. From questi giovanotti ...

Sassuolo-Roma 2-2 e Verona.

Let's start by saying that Guida refereed very well. Roma faced a good team like Sassuolo, but by overcoming the pressing ball on the ground we could find them outnumbered. Roma did not succeed in an overall management ...
