Napoli – Roma 4-0

Little to say. Right defeat. The heavy result deserved. My reading was wrong: I didn't stress that we had to attack on our right, their left. Veretout and Mancini's injuries weighed on the game, but they are no justification. We could ...

Sunday's opponent: the Napoli.

Maybe I shouldn't talk about Maradona, also because now everyone is talking about it. Many certainly speak of it in a better way than me (like the great director of “Il Romanista”, Tonino Cagnucci). Others have spoken of it shamefully. And it's…

Cluj – Roma 0-2

Despite the absences, Cluj played with great pride, but Roma have become a solid team, strong in defense, with the calm (in fact) of the strong to manage time and scores and with the nastiness to hit. Finally this year ...

Thursday's opponent: the Cluj.

The legend of Vlad III and his beautiful Bran Castle. Between Transylvania and Wallachia stands Bran Castle, the closest to Bram Stocker's description of Dracula. The most important character of this castle ...

Roma – Parma 3-0

Roma wins, commanding the game, having patience, managing possession, hitting first with cunning and then taking advantage of the counterattack. Spina is very good at fishing on the defense line Borja who places the ball in the corner. Previously, Borja is ...

Sunday opponent: the Parma.

When I went away to Parma (a good 3-0 for us), I was especially struck by the yellow color of the buildings. It is a vivid and vital yellow. A unique shade of yellow that is called Giallo Parma. Daverio and Parmigianino. ...

Political sport and tactics.

Nel periodo ottobre-novembre, i risultati della Roma sono stati molto buoni. Abbiamo finalmente dato quella sferzata al campionato che ci ha portato dai bassifondi della classifica al terzo posto in Serie A e in Europa League siamo primi (Roma 7,…

Genoa – Roma 1-3

Roma dominated and won thanks also to an opponent who was very concentrated in the defensive phase, but who then left too much space for the attackers. The match was decided by the splendid hat-trick of Mkhi, defined as “baroque” by some newspapers. Bruno too

Sunday opponent: Genoa.

Signorini. Il profilo twitter @NoielaRoma ci ricorda quanto è importante ricordare Gianluca Signorini, nell’anniversario della sua morte, da parte della Roma, con cui ha giocato nel 1987-88, e da parte del Genoa, di cui era capitano e bandiera. Allo stesso…

Roma – Cluj 5-0

Roma dominate and win. All the goals were very beautiful: Mkhi, Ibanez, 2 Borja and Pedro. But Spinazzola (1 assist), Brunetto (2 assists), Cristante, Pellegrini were also good and I am personally happy for Milanese's debut, who assisted ...
