Category: prematch


Let's start by talking about us. Everything nice. Nice derby. Beautiful chest. But now we don't relax too much as often happens after an important event post-stress. We are in the decisive phase of the season and we still have a lot to fight for. It will be very important ...


It is not always possible to have an attacking attitude. It is not always possible to have only a defensive attitude. It is a match in which Roma will have to play in a balanced way. Knowing how to defend and know how to attack. Likewise, the Ukrainians and ...


Noi. Siamo in un periodo di crisi, ma abbiamo una grande arma da sfoderare in queste ultime giornate: i ragazzi dell’Under 19. La Roma ha strutturali difficoltà nel recupero-palla a centrocampo e nella costruzione. Per il secondo problema, è fondamentale…


Not everyone knows that most of the northern cities at the end of the 2nd World War, including Genoa, were liberated by the partisans who then waited for the Allies to hand over the city to them. Genoa is a gold medal for the Resistance. The example ...
