Tomorrow opponent: the FC Porto.

They are the most European Portuguese team in Portugal by tradition, showcase and tactical mentality. Usually the Portuguese are especially good in passing-game, building slowly with a dense network of short passes, instead the

Roma – Debreceni 5-2

Starting at a disadvantage due to a nasty distraction by the defense, Roma were able to slowly take command of the game and then dominated. Thanks to two long balls [first by Ibanez and then by Zalewski (excellent performance)], the two goals of Borjita and Pellegrini 2-1 arrived.

Tomorrow opponent: the Debreceni VSC.

Debreceni VSC are the team from Debrecen, the second largest city in Hungary by population. They play with 4231 and have a tactical attitude based on the quality of the opponent: if they are technically superior, they seek dominance of the game, if inferior, they have a humbler and more defensive attitude, trying to start off on the counterattack. The city Debreceni is a great cultural, tourist center and organizes many events for young people.

Triestina – Roma 0-1

Roma wins by measure in Trieste. The first assessments can be made on Mou's tactics and on the form of the players. Mou favors the defensive phase and verticalizations even with long balls to take advantage of Zaniolo's speed. ...

Wednesday opponent: Triestina.

Trieste. The last corner of Italy before Slovenia is a city tormented by border wars, a commercial and cultural crossroads of different peoples. Dramatic, beautiful and rich. In Piazza dell'Unità, the main square, on the right is the historic headquarters of Assicurazioni Generali (the largest insurance company in Europe) and in front of the sea there is a very high halberd, symbol of the city, often a fighter and suffering from wars.

Sunday opponent: Spezia.

We face the last day with the fate of Europe next year in our hands. If we win, we are sure of the Conference League. It is also true that we face a team without pressure and who will want to make a good impression at home.
